항공기 왕복엔진정비

by eiNpictures



The ‘Reciprocating Aircraft Engine Maintenance’ content is a mobile version of the ‘Reciprocating Engine Ignition System Education VR’ content produced as a ‘2020 Creative Convergence-based Education Content Development Project’ of ‘Inha Technical College’. For Lycoming and Continental engines, ① ignition system internal timing adjustment, ② external ignition timing adjustment, ③ ignition system installation and timing adjustment, ④ engine test run inspection, ⑤ engine start, ⑥ ignition system magneto check, ⑦ engine stop. Magnifying glass function - Observe the 3D Rising Engine, Continental Engine and Magneto. - Play the animation to observe the movement of the reciprocating engine.Reciprocating engine selection training - Video playback proceeds differently depending on the engine, magneto type, and whether or not the starter gear is displayed. - You can refer to this as a pre-practice training.------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------Application Type: AppCategory: EducationContent Rating: All users